Upcoming Enrichment Experiences & events


    aPRIL 14,21 AND29

    Christianity centers on the person of Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully human,

    God as one of us. And scripture tells us that God created humankind and saw that

    creation as “indeed, very good.” Yet Christian attitudes toward the human body have

    been deeply conflicted. In this series, we will explore some of the historical teachings

    and practices about human bodies and the body-spirit connection that continue to

    shape current debates in churches and in wider society.


      Lower Level Fellowship Hall

      April 14: Battles Over the Body

      Many of our contemporary arguments about such matters as human sexuality and

      gender roles are rooted in early Christian arguments over the worth and meaning of the human body. For some Christians, the body was seen as a profound hindrance to the life of the spirit, while others challenged that view. In this session we will tease out some of those beliefs and their long-term ramifications.


      Lower Level Fellowship Hall

      April 21:Care for the Body 

      John Wesley, founder of our Methodist tradition, provided practical and informed advice about more than spiritual matters. He paid extraordinary attention to questions about the human body that continue to obsess our society, such as diet, health, and holistic wellbeing. In this session we will examine some of Wesley’s teachings and consider their value for us today.


      Lower Level Fellowship Hall

      April 28: Debating the Body

      In culture wars, particularly wars over race, ethnicity, and sexuality, bodies (in all their variety and with all their needs) have presented problems. Over centuries of U.S. history, our most violent conflicts have centered on two questions: Who is a human being? And who has rights? In this session, we will unpack some of the Christian contributions to national discussions about these two recurrent questions about the human body.

    Bible Study

    Every Tuesday- 1pm

    This Bible study will focus on stories of some of the women in Genesis and Exodus. These women are complex and intriguing figures within the biblical narrative and in the broader Christian tradition. Over the course of six weeks, we will look with care at the biblical texts featuring a variety of these women: Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Rebekah, Shiphrah and Puah, and Miriam. The Bible study will meet on Tuesdays from 1-2pm and you are welcome to bring your lunch. Sessions will be led by the Rev. Dr. Diane Lobody. 

    As a resource for the Bible study, we will be using a book by Wilda Gafney called Womanist Midrash: A Reintroduction to the Women of the Torah and the Throne. Gafney is an Episcopal priest and Professor of Hebrew Bible at Brite Divinity School. In this book, she provides an engaging, thoughtful, and poetic introduction to the texts we will be exploring (and many more as well). Copies of the book will be provided to participants in the study, but we need to know how many to order! So if you plan to come to one or more of the Bible study sessions, please add your name to the sign-up sheet in the church office. The book is also available as an e-book and an audiobook, so if you prefer one of those formats please note this on the sign-up sheet.